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Jobs Platform for Manual, Freelance, Remote Workers

Jobs Platform for Manual, Freelance, Remote Workers

Produktlansering ・ 2024 cuo 16 läsa mer Open In New icon

Jointomart aims to connect people from all over the world, regardless of their location or budget, with professionals who can help them with various tasks. With Jointomart, there is no need to pay extravagant amounts of money to get the help you need. Users can post their tasks and set the amount they can afford, making it easy and accessible for all. The new platform from Jointomart comes at a time when the world is facing unprecedented challenges due to the ongoing pandemic. Many people have lost their jobs and are struggling to make ends meet. At the same time, businesses are looking for cost-effective ways to get their tasks done. This platform is a solution for those who want to post their post tasks, and those looking for those jobs. The platform connects them seamlessly and efficiently. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality services, and Jointomart is here to make that possible," said Babatunde Olonade, the CEO of Jointomart.

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E1 8ZB London - Förenade kungariket

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